What are you drinking tonight?

One of the best drinks out there. 'The red ambulance' used to regularly come to my rescue having got alcohol flu. AKA 'the red doctor' and two or three paracetamol worked wonders. Ready for a Saturday afternoon sesh in no time.

(back in the day)

It was invented a cure for hang over. I spoke to a nurse about it and she said that shell have a can when she has a migraine
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Hoo-ray! A Monday night red. Amongst other things, my daughter bought me a couple of bottles of wine for my birthday. A nice Fitou to have with my birthday meal of duck breasts. Very nice. :)


I also got a pump action, heavy duty, industrial strength cork remover with it too! Is she trying to tell me something? :cautious:

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A Malbec with our curry tonight. Very elegant and frog like! £5.25 from Sainsbury’s after my 6-bottle 25% discount. (y)

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A nice bottle of Lancaster Bomber Ale. Nearing the end of it and really fancy a second but will resist the urge until tomorrow night as I'm not at work on Saturday. :)
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