Does god exist?

Does God exist

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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Theoretically, if you were able to duplicate all the atoms that form your body and arrange them in the exact form that they exist in your body.. you would have a precise duplicate of yourself. But your duplicate would be effectively dead.. so what's missing in the duplicate?
The nearest you'll get to that is a clone, which would grow and develop its own personality.
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When I was young I had faith in the tooth fairy and Santa.
Like when they are quietly pleading with God to save their child on an operating table

And yet children die. What a sadist all Gods are when they could intervene but choose not to at times.
And yet children die. What a sadist all Gods are when they could intervene but choose not to at times.
Good point. Death is inevitable. Hope arises when the inevitability is interrupted by the supposedly divine.
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I was brought up as a catholic but drifted away from any beliefs whilst in my teens, since then I've described myself as an atheist, but there have been times, desperate times when perhaps my life has been in danger or someone close is in a hopeless situation and I've found myself praying. Maybe it's a default or maybe it's just hedging my bets, there isn't a god, but just in case...

I quite like the teachings in AA whereby they encourage a belief in 'a higher power', no gods, no names, just a higher power.

Despite my lack of belief, I dislike intensely people who ridicule others for their beliefs, the church and her belief in God saw my Mother through many tragic circumstances, she couldn't have coped without that crutch the church provided.
I was brought up as a catholic but drifted away from any beliefs whilst in my teens, since then I've described myself as an atheist, but there have been times, desperate times when perhaps my life has been in danger or someone close is in a hopeless situation and I've found myself praying. Maybe it's a default or maybe it's just hedging my bets, there isn't a god, but just in case...

I quite like the teachings in AA whereby they encourage a belief in 'a higher power', no gods, no names, just a higher power.

Despite my lack of belief, I dislike intensely people who ridicule others for their beliefs, the church and her belief in God saw my Mother through many tragic circumstances, she couldn't have coped without that crutch the church provided.

True in much the same way as I dislike anyone trying to force a belief in a god, or even higher power on me, I dislike it when people poo poo others beliefs (as long as those beliefs aren't injurious or deleterious to others)
I'm a pastafarian who believes in a flying spaghetti monster...

Can you prove my belief to be wrong?
I'm a pastafarian who believes in a flying spaghetti monster...

Can you prove my belief to be wrong?

No, and if it gives you comfort believing in a flying spaghetti monster, I respect that.
I actually voted "I don't know". There seems to me to be no actual evidence either way for any Gods.

This is all the evidence I need. :mrgreen:

I believe it's just basic logic that there is a creator of the universe. If you think about how the universe was created , you'll ultimately arrive to one conclusion - there was a creator.

Hello Joe90..... where have you been all this time?
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