Does god exist?

Does God exist

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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Such as?

You are not confusing love with sex by any chance?

Love has an association with heightened levels of oxytocin. Which is different from the raging effects of adolescent testosterone and oestrogen.
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I much prefer Douglas Adams version of reality.

love to go to the 'Big Bang Burger Bar' for the sound and light show!
I believe it's just basic logic that there is a creator of the universe.

'I believe' is not scientific enquiry and proven fact. It's faith.

Have a look at the Miller-Urey experiment, University of Chicago. I don't think God was involved.
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There's no reason to believe in a God, and if one did exist then it's not something that deserves praise or worship.
Lack of evidence leads to the conclusion that there is no God, but it's always baffled me why believers think God should be worshipped at all? Even if there was a creator, how do they know it still exists, how do they know it's watching/listening? As far as I can tell, all the worshipping that does go on doesn't achieve anything.
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