More on Roma folk

Which all boils down to those who speak from real experience and those perhaps citing a stylised ideal of the 'poor' gypsy, they have been driven off sites by the crim faction.
But they also, have had / do have their chances - free education etc - Ever been to school with them ? How could the Gypsy parents from my primary days ever complain ? It was them using the worst of language in the company of their children, them not caring if kids were at school or not - methinks this land business has a financial basis ...
Elsewhere here I have highlighted the airport parking at Bristol .. farmers parking cars at rates below those at the airport ... they are being STOPPED from carrying out that business !! Not due to resident complaints, but due to planning laws !! So what about fairness then ?
Easy to approach the farmers and talk to them bring the weight of law on them, they stand alone not in 'teams', they do not strike fear into the officers attending either Police or Council, and they can be found at most all times.. The focus is on 'easy' targets again ..... I rest my case !!
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Adam I know you are not a racist I don't like the use of that word anyway as i believe it has taken on a meaning now that detracts from what it was intended to mean when first coined ( to attack a whole race of people and blame them for what actions an individual or minority do).
I know you have said what you said in the past and i have taken it in the context it was given as a joke, Believe it or not i'm not one of these Politically correct Policemen (that some are so quick to brand me without actually knowing me) or something like and i can laugh and banter with the best jokemakers, as long as that is what they are and not personal.
As for do gooding, I'm not vocating that we should only worry about those abroad as some have suggested again putting words in my mouth, of course i care about all people in trouble and help and aid should be given to all the old people here and the disabled and the ones trying to contribute to society but have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own (I come into this category :) ) but as you can see there is a problem in doing so, in that you can't solve all of todays problems in one hit , so you have to prioritise, and it's the one's who are desperate, dying, hungry who need attention first, whether old folks, down and outs on the street (especially now the cold snap is here) etc etc i could go on for ages but i hope you now know what i mean.
All i'm saying is have a little care for others not so well off as yourselves if enough people care this way instead of ignoring then the world will be a better place to live in.
As far as some charities, events go, i personally don't believe that the aid gets to the right destination properly if at all and so i believe in a direct approach so that at least my mind is satisfied that my help has reached someone, this has extended to even small things, such as helping get shopping for local people who are unable to themselves, the reward from doing this is the look on their faces and their gratitude, it doesn't take up all my spare time, i do it occasionally and although it might sound presumptious, i'd like to believe that one day when in need someone will do like wise for me.
kendor said:
.......... i'm not one of these Politically correct Policemen ............. but have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own (I come into this category :) .

Oh damn, now you'll have us all wondering euphemistic use of Policeman ? (I noted the capital letter ....)
If (not euphemistic) and (hard times) then (not caused through occupation hopefully)
Kendor ... amalgam of Ken and Doreen ....... or street name .. Now I am one letter from wondering ... wandering !!
BTW How times change .. the man of straw !!
I'm surprised that a person with such intelligence( as needed to be a politician) could make the distinction that a "gypsy" is naturally a travelling thief, rather than just the individual he spoke to, in other words coining the phrase "gypsy" as an all encompassing term.
He has fallen into the media trap laid for him this time, and i thought they had armies of personnel in the background to make sure that they don't make mistakes when speaking to the press?
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BTW How times change .. the man of straw !!
What a plonker. Some bloke calls himself a Gypsy, admits to being a thief, so logically All Gypsies are thieves. :eek:

Using the same logic, Geoffrey Archer was an MP, He also served time. Hence, ALL politicians are lying scuz buckets! Oops, that doesn't illustrate my point very well, because that appears to be true. :rolleyes: Hence the word Politics. From the greek: Poli: (Two faced) Tics: (Parasites) ;)
"A loaf of bread is better than nothing. Nothing is better than God. Therefore, a loaf of bread is better than God."

That was on the wall of my English classroom at school :LOL:

WARNING: the following is a rant by a disillusioned and oppressed minority who is pi**ed off with the way things happen round here:

I find current policies oppressive to middle-class people and stifling to my human rights. Can I claim asylum? You might say "But your life isn't in danger!" Well, a 24-year old should be enjoying himself, not working every hour in a high-stress job in order to pay for the education that was his birth-right, paying for people to sit around and do s*d all 24/7. I will probably have an ulcer by the time I'm 30, maybe a heart-attack by 40. I would call that life threatening. Especially seeing as the f**king NHS that I have been paying into seems to evaporate into thin air.

Because I am working so hard I have little time to meet women (especially seeing as the women I want to meet have to work like I do) so it is becoming increasingly unlikely that I will ever have children to use the education system I am paying for (although no doubt there will be means-tested fees for playgroup by the time I have children). All the while, the g*ts I am paying to sit around and do s*d all are sprogging out bairns left right and centre because they have s*d all else to do, and they spend their dole on fags and lottery scratchcards instead of making use of the NHS I pay for them to use, and getting their tubes tied.

Whilst I am working I occasionally have flashes of inspiration about stupidity in the way the country is run. For example, why does someone who is wilfully unemployed have the right to vote, a decision that can ultimately affect how the taxes I pay are spent? I don't attend the stockholders' meeting at some city bank and get a vote on how they should run their company, why should someone who isn't a stockholder in the UK get a vote on how UK PLC is run?

Why is it that when I go to the doctor, women with children are put ahead of me in the waiting room? I arrived there at 8am, I need to get to work to earn money to pay for that waiting room. Yet women with children waltz in at 9am and are seen by 9:30, but I am still sitting there at 11am getting more and more anxious that I have work to be doing or should be in a meeting. But god forbid I should use my mobile in the waiting room, I might disturb the children. Now I know that children are delicate, but they don't need to get to work. I will always give up my seat for an elderly person or mother with children on the bus, but I certainly wouldn't get off the bus and wait 3 hours for the hell of it!

Why is it that I pay for an education system, and then have to pay for the education I received in order to pay more taxes? I'm doing the country a favour! You wouldn't say "Right, you builders might be building a hospital (as if we'll have any new hospitals), but because you have a special skill, we're going to tax you on it.". Hey, why not have a "bed-skills" tax? Anyone who takes the time and effort to do a good job in bed gets taxed, whilst Two-Push Peters get given a grant for improvement?

Oh, but that education system, for those few short years it is free, is strangled and restrained by political correctness. My mum is a primary teacher, and as well as being banned from using words such as "blackboard", she is also not allowed to correct spoken mispronunciations and bad grammar. I don't mean so much local variations ("laugh" and "laff"), I mean saying "free" when one intends to indicate an integer between "two" and "four" can no longer be corrected). "Ain't" is apparently correct also. A friend of mine who teaches primary tells me that an increasing number of children come into her school who can't even string a whole sentence together because their parents address them with grunts! God forbid children should be taught to speak correct English at school!!!

Now that is what gets me ****ed off about British-born Anglo-Saxons in the UK. On top of that, apply all of the above to the majority of asylum seekers who come here to r*pe and pillage our land (albeit on paper rather than Viking style) and you can see why I am haemorrhaging over this. I have nothing against the small number of genuine asylum seekers living here. In fact I would support bringing a million people here if they were at actual risk of genocide. But we wouldn't have the means, because we are choked up with so many thieving b*stards (our own plus imported). What use is compassion if it is lavished on the undeserving whilst the deserving starve?

Right, I'm off for some milk of magnesia and some relaxing chanting.
Ag, I think one problem is France. They just send all their asylum seekers here. If they (EU countries) had a fair share, it would be better. I think we should have the trust in the EU that their countries will not be treacherous enough as to generate asylum seekers, and thus count nobody from there as an asylum seeker. If they want to come here they can find a job first, pre-applied, and then they have the right to work here. That said, we don't have to fully honour this right from the 'new' countries for nine years or so, I think we are allowed to slowly phase it in or something...

On the dole:
Those who spend their money on fags and booze deserve no support from society. If they are capable of working, and there are available jobs, they should work. If not, then not, and that's fine, such cases are rare though. If they can't find a job, it's economically more viable to help them to find one, and give them a dole in the meantime. It's only fair.

What's all this nonsense about Anglo-Saxon? Not to mention Roman, Celtic, Norman, and many others. And what's so discriminated about Anglo Saxons. I have a large amount of Anglo Saxon blood, but I've never been discriminated against, nor have I found that anybody is stealing from me or such nonsense.

I don't attend the stockholders' meeting at some city bank and get a vote on how they should run their company, why should someone who isn't a stockholder in the UK get a vote on how UK PLC is run?

Minority then indeed! By definition then, you'd have to have land, and the amount of land you owned would affect how many votes you got. Do I see someone with the yearning for the days of rotten boroughs?
If I were to take your analogy the vast majority of Britain would not be able to vote, since the proles (who make for an important majority) aren't really stockholders now, are they?

Oh, but that education system, for those few short years it is free, is strangled and restrained by political correctness. My mum is a primary teacher, and as well as being banned from using words such as "blackboard", she is also not allowed to correct spoken mispronunciations and bad grammar. I don't mean so much local variations ("laugh" and "laff"), I mean saying "free" when one intends to indicate an integer between "two" and "four" can no longer be corrected). "Ain't" is apparently correct also. A friend of mine who teaches primary tells me that an increasing number of children come into her school who can't even string a whole sentence together because their parents address them with grunts! God forbid children should be taught to speak correct English at school!!!

Hmm... A friend of mine is a teacher, never heard of most of this. Correct grammar and appropriate usage is taught in school. Heard of the blackboard one, though that one is quite old, hasn't been taken notice of for a while, I think most black people would call that just patronising. I mean, it's a colour, which can be used to describe skin or a board. In fact, I have a black teacher in college who referred to one as a blackboard. They did say that once, but I don't really hear much of it now.
Fact is, there was a change to whiteboards ... teach just hadn't noticed !!

aha this was the point i was trying to make before being so publicly flailed :) that yes there are the troublesome ones but to say all are the same is wrong? nuff said?
kendor said.

I'm surprised that a person with such intelligence( as needed to be a politician)

I am still totally confused by this part of one of your previous posts. :LOL:
david and julie said:
kendor said.

I'm surprised that a person with such intelligence( as needed to be a politician)

I am still totally confused by this part of one of your previous posts. :LOL:
:LOL: Thought someone would pick up on that, but seriously you don't get into that sort of job by being thick....... oh s od it i concede :LOL:
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